Optimize the stock of each warehouse

Manage your stores and eCommerce based on what you will actually sell. A software to automate orders to suppliers.

inventory optimization classification
retail forecasting software
sales forecasting tools
inventory optimization categories

Sales forecasting and demand planning

Get ahead of your business sales with confidence. Augment prepares and adjusts data, calculates predictions, and periodically adjusts to typical fluctuations in the retail market.

augment software performance


An adaptive core with 100+ algorithms competes with top prediction programs globally.

augment software adaptability


Augment achieves precise daily forecasts by blending advanced math with AI on prepared datasets.

augment software accuracy


Tailored predictions based on each business structure, considering product variations across warehouses.

demand planning view tools
augment technology international presence
Augment inventory optimization strategy
forecating analytics

The production plan helps manufacturing companies forecast the raw materials needed for the different references, maintaining the forecasting and optimization calculations for the final product.

Optimized production plan

Purchase order filtering options
Purchase order list
Bill of material visibility

The raw materials you need

Get purchase recommendations of the materials you need to satisfy precisely your demand

predict precisely your demand

The right production plan

Know exactly when to start the production of each item. Avoid overstocks or stock-outs and mitigate risks

Get the right production plan

Customer demand timely satisfied

Maintain your costumers satisfied by serving products on time.

Smart inventory replenishment

Follow Augment's recommendations to increase liquidity and improve warehouse management. Get an intelligent replenishment: prediction, optimization, and automation.

Foresee supply risks to prevent stock-outs.

Automate orders with confidence.

Reduce shipping costs.

Give priority to vital business PO.

inventory order tracking tools
Automated replenishment suggestions
purchase suggestions planning
AI powered solutions


workload reduction by optimizing the replenishment system. Complete control to adjust the strategy and costs at any time.

optimization icon


Through forecast analysis and segmentation, Augment will generate periodic order lists that the usercan freely adjust.

Inventory Segmentation

Classify products into categories based on profitability and sales volume. Identify the most profitable products, those that attract customers in both physical stores and eCommerce.

Supplier filtering tools
Warehouse filtering tools
Categories filtering tools
Product filtering tools
Performance based inventory optimization

Performance-based Management

Having the warehouse divided between winners (A), chasers (B), and losers (C) will be key to optimizing inventory and maximizing profits.

Data based inventory optimization

Data-based decisions

With products categorized, you'll have access to a fundamental pool of data to make decisions and optimize inventory.

Warehouse tailored inventory optimization

Warehouse tailored optimization

As you follow Augment's recommendations, you'll be able to reduce inventory without compromising product availability.

Augment’s computing core

Augment Cloud logo

A system with over 15 years in production, serving thousands of customers, allowing for continuous refinement of its effectiveness.

+1,000,000 code lines

+100 synchronyzed algorithms

A set of well designed algorithms bringing cutting-edge technology for a common objective.

We combine mathematical methods with deep learning algorithms and pit them against each other to see which works best for your business.

Equipped with monthly improvements

Get the most out of Augment

  • Augment guide

    Get started with the most advanced forecasting softare.

  • The art behind our platform

    AI-based stock management, next level retail optimization.

  • Augment implementation

    Augment implementation

    We make sure you have all ready to start crushing it.

Discover all what you can achieve with us