Augment library

Sales forecasting and inventory optimization

Become a retail leader by mastering your logistics operations like major corporations.

Chasing giants

2’ reading

Augment e-Book

Have you ever looked at Amazon and wondered, "How can my business compete against these giants?" We wondered the same thing. That's why we created Augment, a platform that helps small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) create and manage their inventory, providing them with the necessary technology to compete with the largest players. With highly affordable subscription plans, Augment allows SMEs to focus on what they do best: running their business. Through our artificial intelligence and autonomous learning technology, Augment enables SMEs to leverage inventory and logistics to their advantage, creating a competitive edge.

Below is a representation of this specific world of small and medium-sized enterprises. Each point represents a company, with the color indicating annual revenue, red for lower revenues and blue for higher revenues, with some intermediate shades.

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